
Image a mac hard drive for restoring through time machine
Image a mac hard drive for restoring through time machine

image a mac hard drive for restoring through time machine

  • Create a HFS+ disk image, preferably sparse disk image, and place the disk image file into its destination folder/server where it will live.
  • In order to create a Time Machine backup on a network folder you need to follow these three steps: The secret? The new tmutil command.īack to the HOWTO. As with most advanced stuff, you will need to open up Terminal to do it.

    #Image a mac hard drive for restoring through time machine mac os x#

    Time Capsule or Airport Base Station attached storage.īut with Mac OS X 10.7, Apple have now made more advanced cases possible.Directly-attached external storage (via USB, Firewire, or Thunderbolt).Thus to not complicate things more and make it easy for most users (especially novices) Time Machine’s preferences only cater for the two common cases: Novice users, by definition, are inexperienced - they’re likely haven’t gone through the pain of losing data and discounted the value of backups. The reason why Time Machine Preference Pane doesn’t show network drive is likely the Mac Developer’s mantra: keep simple things simple and complex things possible.

    image a mac hard drive for restoring through time machine

    Now what? If this is your problem and you have upgraded to Mac OS X Lion, there is a workaround… Keep reading. You open Time Machine Preferences and the only way you can add a non-local disk is via a Time Capsule or AirPort-connected storage. You want to make use of this disk space to store your Time Machine backups. Let’s say you have a home NAS (Network Area Storage), a router with a hard drive, or even an old Windows machine with a lot of disk space lying around.

    Image a mac hard drive for restoring through time machine